Security & Quality

Two basic needs – not only in private life but also when it comes to system development.

Moreover, they are two strong motivators in day-to-day operations with various (open source) technologies.

Security & Quality –
key business factors for embedded systems

Embedded systems are tiny information processing systems with fixed functionality that are integrated into larger technical systems.


They perform their services in a variety of everyday applications, largely invisible to the user.


Interconnecting different embedded systems means generating, value-added services and value creation potentials in a wide range of fields:

  • Industrial production (e.g. Industry 4.0)
  • Automotive engineering(e.g. autonomous driving)
  • Logistics (e.g. supply chain management)
  • Energy supply (e.g. smart grid systems)
  • Medical technology (e.g. telemedicine)
  • Office technology (e.g. interactive walls)
  • Consumer electronics (e.g. Smart TV)
  • and many more

Quality assurance is an key factor in development. The rule is simple:


“The later an error is found, the higher its financial impact and the costs for troubleshooting”.


Therefore it is vital to do in-depth testing early in the system development process and to continuously extend existing tests.

In addition, security is becoming more and more important.

Embedded Security covers the IT security of embedded systems by applying measures against unauthorized manipulation in the procurement, transmission, processing and storage of information.

The term DevSecOps is frequently used for the parallel approach of both topics.

Thanks to our long years of project experience in the embedded field, we have a solid knowledge base for this theoretical background and even more importantly field-tested best practices.

We are happy to support and advise you with your demand.

The following is a small excerpt of our topics and tools in the areas of Embedded Security & Quality:

  • Open Source Software (OSS) Integration
  • OSS License Management
  • OSS Security Risk Management using:
    • OpenVAS
    • Vuls
  • Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Testing